On the occasion
of the European Congress "The City and the Disabled", held in Barcelona,
Spain, on 23 and 24 March 1995, the undersigning cities assume:
1) That the Dignity
and Worth of a person are conditions inherent to all human beings, regardless
of sex, creed, age and capabilities.
2) That Deficiency
and Disability, according to the concepts set forth in the United Nations'
World Action Program for the Disabled, are matters that affect society as
a whole, not only individual persons and their family members.
3) That Disability
is a dynamic concept, resulting from the interaction between individual skills
and the conditions of the surroundings in which such skills are manifested.
It is, thus, the responsibility of the community and of its social organization
to promote more favorable conditions for the full development of persons,
avoiding or removing all causes that hinder or prevent such development.
4) That the City,
as a common form of social organization used in all the diverse cultures throughout
our planet, must equip itself with the necessary means and resources to promote
equal opportunities and the well-being and participation of all its inhabitants.
5) That the limits
between "normality" and disability are ill-defined, and therefore
it is necessary to consider
the differences
between citizens as a part of the diversity of which society is made up, designing
services and structures so that they can be used by everyone, and making unnecessary,
in most cases, the existence of specific elements for disabled persons.
Therefore, the
undersigning cities adopt the agreements
that hereinafter
shall be known as the Declaration of "Cities and the Disabled" and
they hereby agree to:
a) Promote the-Declaration
of "Cities and the Disabled" in various national and international
forums, fostering the maximum adherence possible to its principles and premises.
b) Initiate processes
of collaboration allowing for full application of the agreements reflected
in the Declaration of "Cities and the Disabled", garnering the necessary
cooperation from higher territorial entities.
c) Establish
communication channels between the various cities to stimulate and support
advances in the promotion of equal opportunities for their disabled citizens,
to promote consistency in information, especially with regard to signs and
symbols, and, in general, to promote the harmonization of municipal policies
aimed at these citizens.
And therefore, they declare:
That disabled
persons are fully entitled members of the communities in which they reside,
and their condition is acknowledged in various international conventions,
especially in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International
Pact for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the International Pact for
Civil and Political Rights, the Convention on Children's Rights, the Declaration
of Rights for the Disabled, and the Declaration of Rights for Mentally Retarded
That disabled
persons are entitled to receive attention for their individual and social
needs in the context of the provisions for the general population, as well
as to promote their development as persons, allowing them to interrelate with
the rest of the population, respecting their individual circumstances.
That disabled
persons are entitled to technical and social aid which may minimize the consequences
of their disabilities, and to be the beneficiaries of policies ensuring equal
opportunities, a right upheld by Resolution 48/96, dated 4 March 1994, of
the General Assembly of the United Nations regarding "Unified Rules on
Equal Opportunities for Disabled Persons".
That disabled
persons are entitled to equal opportunities as citizens recognized in a society
which is plural and respectful of the difference and diversity of the individuals
who make them up. They are also entitled to participate in the social affairs
of their community without restriction and to the enjoyment of the welfare
that the development of this community may generate.
I) The Municipal
Governments will promote better awareness of disabled persons, their rights,
their needs, their potentials and their contributions among the general public.
II) The Municipal
Governments will, within their area of competence, ensure the disabled persons'
right to be different, and their right to receive personalized attention depending
on their needs.
III) The Municipal
Governments will promote and support the diffusion of informative campaigns
that promote a real image of disabled persons, free from bias and prejudice,
and, in general, stimulate the integration of disabled persons and the normalization
of their relations with their physical and social surroundings which may allow
them to optimize their relationship with them.
IV) The Municipal
Governments will, within their area of competence, establish systems to provide
efficient information to disabled citizens regarding matters which affect
them and, especially, promote awareness of their rights and obligations, as
well as the provisions established to promote their equalitarian development,
promoting the necessary coordination between the different public administrations
in order to provide improved coordination of their respective actions.
V) The Municipal
Governments will ensure the access of disabled persons to information generated
by the Community.
VI) The Municipal
Governments will, within their area of competence, promote and ensure the
access of disabled persons to cultural, sporting, and recreational activities
and, in general, to the participatory coexistence with the community.
VII) The Municipal
Governments will ensure the access of disabled persons to general and, if
necessary, special services, in the fields of health care, rehabilitation,
education, work and social services when these fall within their area of competence.
They will also encourage observance of this principle when such services are
offered by other public or private organizations.
VIII) The Municipal
Governments will establish support services tending to the daily needs of
disabled persons in order to make it possible for them to remain in their
family homes and thus prevent institutionalization in health-care facilities.
In the rendering of these services both personal decisions and the right to
privacy of the user will be respected and upheld.
IX) The Municipal
Governments will promote systems facilitating access to housing according
to the personal and economic circumstances of the disabled.
X) The Municipal
Governments will, within their area of competence, adopt measures towards
the necessary adaptation of urban spaces, buildings and services of all types,
in order to allow full use by disabled persons.
XI) The Municipal
Governments will adopt the necessary measures ensuring free mobility of disabled
persons throughout the city, and special care will be taken to adapt regular
means of passenger transport, and will establish, for those disabled persons
who by reason of their disability are denied access, alternative services
and special economic conditions to ensure their mobility on equal terms with
the rest of the population.
XII) The Municipal
Governments will establish measures to ensure the performance of studies and
analyses which may provide new elements aimed at improving the quality of
life of disabled persons, and promote prevention, detection, diagnostic and
early-detection programs.
XIII) The Municipal
Governments will, within their area of competence, promote and ensure the
participation of disabled persons and their representative organizations in
decision-making processes dealing with affairs which, either generally or
specifically, may affect them.
XIV) The Municipal
Governments will enter into cooperation agreements and conventions with city
organizations representing disabled persons, in order to cooperate in their
activities and agree to overall and consistent actions.
XV) The Municipal
Governments will establish permanent skill-providing and training systems
aimed at city personnel in order to ensure adequate comprehension and attention
to the needs of the disabled.
XVI) The Municipal
Governments, within their area of competence and in cooperation with their
city's organizations for disabled persons, will draw up action plans consistent
with this Declaration. Such plans must include execution and evaluation deadlines.
XVII) The Municipal
Governments will adopt measures tending towards the unification and universalization
of rules and regulations, provisions, and the adoption of signal systems and
adequate media vehicles for each type of disability, facilitating their full
integration in society and in order to make their conditions fully equal to
those of the rest of the citizenry. In order to advance in the fulfillment
of this goal, the undersigning Municipal Governments will promote, through
their international municipal organizations, the passing of rules on the part
of pertinent European organizations, establishing the minimum requirements
that Municipal Governments must take into account in terms of objectives,
programs and budgets making possible the accomplishment of the agreements
in this Declaration within a reasonable period of time.
Barcelona, 24
March 1995
Sector de Serveis Personals
Institut Municipal de Disminuīts
Instituto Nacional de Servicios
Sociales (INSERSO)
Departament de Benestar Social
Ārea de Serveis Socials
Consell de Municipis i Regions d'Europa
Mobility International
CERMI - Consejo Espaņol de
Representantes de Minusválidos
Click here to download the Barcelona Declaration.