IDD Constitution
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 A non profit making foundation contributing to the participation of people with disabilities through the application of design.


Name and Purpose Finance


The name of the organisation is the Institute for Design and Disability, hereinafter called the 'Institute'; The purpose of the Institute is to contribute to the participation of

people with disabilities through the application of design.




The objectives of the Institute are to:

(a) promote interest in design as a response to disability;

(b) undertake studies of the relationship between design and disability;

(c) develop design solutions to meet identified needs.




The members of the Institute are those establishing the organisation together with those admitted by the Board of the Institute in the manner prescribed by them.




There will be a President, elected by the members for a term of three years, who will represent the Institute and undertake duties agreed by the Board.




The Institute will be managed by a board of not less than three or more than eight members elected at an annual general meeting.


The Board will select from its members a chairman, vice-chairman, honorary secretary and honorary treasurer.


The Board will determine the frequency of its meetings and the

procedures by which its business is conducted.


General meeting


The Board will convene an annual general meeting each year not later than 1 May. The agm will

(a) receive the report of the board;

(b) receive the annual accounts;

(c) Elect the President every three years or when a vacancy arises;

(d) Elect the members of the Board.


The Institute is a non profit-making foundation Any surplus derived from its operations may not be distributed to the members and must be reinvested in the organisation.

The Institute will derive its income from charitable donations and sponsorship subscriptions by its members, fees earned from its activities, grants from government and from national and international bodies.


All monies, howsoever obtained, will be devoted to the objectives of the institute.




The Institute may undertake any activity consistent with its purpose and objectives and in particular may:

(a) promote interest in design for disabled persons to government, designers, healthcare professionals, people with disabilities, their carers, and the general public;

(b) conduct courses and seminars for designers and design students engaged in the field of design for disability;

(c) organise national and international meetings for designers and healthcare professionals to share experiences and raise overall standards;

(d) sponsor without profit design competitions and award schemes and publicise the results;

(e) organise exhibitions and publish and distribute information and other material concerned with design for people with disabilities;

(f) maintain close liaison with rehabilitation and other specialist     bodies providing services to people with disabilities;

(g) carry out studies and research into various aspects of design and disability;

(h) undertake architectural, industrial, graphic and interior design commissions for local and central government, industry, private organisations and individuals.

(i) employ staff and commission designers and other professions to undertake work on its behalf;

(j) actively seek funding, by way of grams and donations, in support of its objectives;

(k) open bank accounts, borrow am advance monies, and conclude contracts for the execution of all work or projects.


Amendments to the Constitution


The Constitution may be amended by a simple majority vote of the members in general meeting.




The Institute may be dissolved by a vote of two-thirds of the membership at a meeting called for that purpose. In the case of such dissolution, the residual assets of the Institute shall be transferred to the Institute of Designers in Ireland or to some other body having similar objectives.


The Institute for Design and Disability is a registered charity, No.CHY 10515


December 2002 (Revised)