IDD Information
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The Institute for Design and Disability


IDD was established in 1991 following the European Conference on Design for Disability held in Dublin in 1989.  The objective         of the IDD is to promote the inclusion in society of people with disabilities through the exercise of good design.  It has a membership of architects, designers, rehabilitation professionals and people with disabilities and is based in Bray, Co. Wicklow.  


The Institute is a registered charity recognised by the Revenue Commissioners. IDD is governed by its Constitution and directed by a Board of Directors. The members of the Board are elected each year at the Annual General Meeting of the company.

Read the 10th Anniversary AGM Lecture by John Penton on Designing for Disability


Current Activities

Barcelona Declaration

Free public Seminars intended to inform Local Authorities, people with disabilities and the media of the meaning of Inclusive Design and its value in creating inclu    sion for people with disabilities in the wider community.


Coming Activities

A bi-monthly newsletter is now in preparation for general publication;

A series of informative seminars to selected groups on a range of topics; 



Professional training and disability awareness training is now available from the Institute.



Any individual may become a member of the Institute if their application is passed by the Board of Directors. There is a membership fee of £15 per annum.



IDD Information Sheet

The role of IDD and its contribution to the development of an inclusive society is set out in our own information sheet.