Barcelona Declaration Project Logo

The Barcelona Declaration Project

Facilitating Local Authorities in creating a more inclusive society

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> Adopted - what's next?

> Progress Report '01-'02

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Getting Started

Once your Council has adopted the Barcelona Declaration, the following opportunities open up:

  1. An opportunity to demonstrate how inclusive your Council has been in the past by compiling a list of all the action taken prior to your adoption of the Barcelona Declaration.
  2. An opportunity to demonstrate your willingness to engage with the disability advocates living and working in your area to learn what action local people are looking for and to work out together what action can be undertaken by the Council to satisfy those requirements.
  3. A link to a web page exclusive to your Council where you have a shop window to announce every inclusive action taken prior to adoption and all action planned for the future.

Collecting the Facts
It is important that everyone knows what initiatives have already been taken by your council and so We recommend that you carry out an internal audit of every department, large or small, to ascertain what projects may have been initiated by staff members that relate to the inclusion of people with disabilities even though they may not have been undertaken with the Barcelona Declaration in mind.

Consultation Process
The next step is to contact local advocates drawn, we suggest, from these five main disability groups:
People with Disabilities in Ireland (PwDI)
The Forum of People with Disabilities (Forum)
The Center of Independent Living (CIL)
The Disability Federation of Ireland (DFI)
The National Association of the Mentally Handicapped of Ireland (NAMHI)

Entering into two-way consultations with local advocates will enable your Council to carry out the undertakings given in Agreements 14 and 16 (XIV & XVI) of the Barcelona Declaration which aim to draw up a plan of action with definite end dates. The material collected from the internal audit will provide a useful starting point for Council representatives

Building your exclusive web page
The results of the internal audit and the material collected during the consultation process will provide the basis on which to build your Council's exclusive Barcelona Declaration web page. A link to the completed page should be sent to the Barcelona Project Office as soon as possible after the adoption of the Barcelona Declaration so that we can put it up on the web site for you.

More Information
Guidelines for Disability Proofing
Guidelines for Consultation Process
Guidelines for Selecting Pilot Actions and Projects
Guidelines for Implementation
Guidelines for Housing
Guidelines for Planning and Urban Spaces
Guidelines for Communications and Web Design


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